[ [ * . Lin's Deli Creations . * ] ]

Friday, January 16, 2009

Yesterday was officially mark that i'm 21.
So, I went t o CPF building at Tampines to register. I was informed by the person-in-charge that i have to wait for letter from them around May or June or July. That is quiet long time to wait.

Later, meet Zai for breakfast at McDonald's beside the CPF building. After breakfasting we proceed to school as usual. Took the Accounting class test & straight to our destination.

Norma was waiting for me to finish test at level 2 business block. Actually, from my class i was able to see her.. hehe.. After meeting her, Zai, Norma & me walk together to the bustop near our school compound. We took bus no. 12 to Pasir Ris, Whitesand. While waiting for Fyda, we walk around the mall & bought donuts for later.

Upon fyda arrives we straight went to E!Hub. Dani(Zai bf) & sis, was waiting for us at the Bowling Alley.

Op op op chop chop chop...
Sorry for the interruption..
While typing this out. My fren, Rini Sulastri msn me.. She's so cute.. in the way she typed..
OK. Here it goes...

Rini: Lin... kamu bley rembat gua uh . pasal gua luper 1 bende... SORRY... mintak ampun dari ujong kaki ker ujong ehk.... happy belated bdae!!!!!!!! SORRY!! =)
Me: Tk ape la aku tk marah pun.. not to worry.. thx ya many2..

Then we continue chatting while i finish typing this..

OK back to my purpose of the day.

Upon arrive, we book two game each for 4 of us at lane no. 29. But Dani & sis was in another lane.. I'm not sure in what lane they are.

After the fun, happy, excited & wonderful game, we ate the donuts(half dozen). We eat as we walk to KFC to have our dinner. After dinner, we went to stand outside yogurt place, as it was freezing inside. Then Dani came to pick Zai up and sent her back home.

While Fyda, Norma & me went to sit outside Burger King & chit chat till 8pm.. 3 of us walk to Whitesand & back home.


Shall we all meet again next time..

Last but not least.
I would like to wish happy birthday to my fren, Farhan.
Here what i sms to him.
Me: Hay pal, Happy Birthday. Mau u hapi owaz n succeed in everythink u do. Tc & have a great day ahead.
Him:Aw www.. so sweet.. thanks for the wishes.. anyway same to you may all ur wish come thru.. happy 21st birthday ya... hehe!! good luck takin care always...cheers!!
Me: Thank you very much..

Alright that's all for the day...
See you all around..
See you when u see me...


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