[ [ * . Lin's Deli Creations . * ] ]

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Happy 21st Birthday to me!

Time do pass very fast.
It has been 21 years since i lived on this beautifull earth.
I do cherished in everything i do.
I do appreciate people around me.
Its just that I don't show it.
Or maybe without knowing I show..
Nah, never mind..

Arguements & unpleasant situation do happen at times.
Its part & parcel of life.
Although sometime I couldn't understand why & where did it go wrong.

Okay enough of the introductions..

My wish & hope for this birthday is:
~ I hope that Abah will call me today. As he didn't call me last yr, & that make me cry. I don't want to cry this day.
~ Mak & Cik Zali will long lasting marriage & happy always.
~ Abang will always be protected from above.
~ Adik pass on up coming examinations.
~ Bie too will marked up on school..
~ For me? - ability to keep on on my diet
- ability to graduate from Higher Nitec in Accounting in March 2010.

Here are the wishes that I got, all in chronological order.


~ Mak & Cik Zali wishes me at home at night.
Wishing me Happy Birthday & gave me Red packet each.

~ Rafidah via sms.
Happy advanced bdae to u, my kak tersyg. Sori. Terlalu cpt wish. Aku tk le tahan. Pnat gla. Takot tk bgn midnite. So, wish kau. Muacks. Love love u. Nyte.


~ Rafidah via tagboard.
Happy 21 BIRTHDAY TO YOU. muacks.

~ Cik Ya via sms.

~ Mastura via sms.
Happy 21st Bday NurAmalinaRazak! Yeah! Yeah! Da Tuer, Da Tuer!!! :) hahahaaa. May u enjoy ur 21st like nobody business ok? Must nhoy tau. Its a must! Hehe. May all ur dreams cum true syg. Mwuacksx. Tc & adios, amigos missy..

~ Mak via sms.
Assalammualaikum anak ku Nur Amalina! Mum ucapkan n selalu berdoa pd Allah untuk anak2 mak dan juga tday kakak usia 21 tahun mak ucapkan panjang umur murah rezeqi sihat walafiat anak yg solehah hamba allah yg bertakwa mengigatinya dan bertemukan jodoh dng org yg beriman- ameen yg rabal alamin.

~ Cousin Nurasdalini via sms.
Hapi bdae to u! Hapi bdae to u! Hapi bdae toooo amalina! Hapi bdae to u! Hapi 21st bdae.... May all ur wishes cum tru!!!!

~ Fadilah via sms.
Happy 21st bdae! May the yr ahead bring joy n happiness to u n the one u love. Tc. :)

~ Zainab via sms.
Selamat hari lahir yg ke-21 Amalina! Wahhh. Setahun lebih tua akhirnye. Hehe. Aku doakan semoge dipjgkan umurnye, dmurahkan berlimpahan rezeki dan berbahagia dgn org2 tersayang ye, insyaALLAH. Ceria selalu dan selamat berjaya dimasa akan dtg! Tk lupe jugak, moga2 persahabatan kite semakin erat dlm usia selanjutnya.. Heh.. Jaga diri beb. Jmpe kat skola bsok ye! :) Salam sayang, Zaiii. :)

~Adk left a note.
Happy birthday kak! :)

~ Cousin Nurasdalini via msn
n again Hapi bdae!!!

Hereby I would like to say,
Thank You all Very Much for all the wishes..
It doesn't matter whether your msges is long or short.
Its the thoughts that counts.

Timechecked: 12 noon
There's still time.
I'll update again a.s.a.p when my day ends.
See you al around..

Tata.. aka eke crite suci.. hehe..


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