[ [ * . Lin's Deli Creations . * ] ]

Thursday, January 15, 2009


This is all from noon till night..

Normaliana via sms
Amalina, hapi 21 bdae bdae. Hapi hapi selalu. All e best on school works. Smilies.

Amira, Sis's friend via sms
Hi ni Amira, kwn Sabrina. Saya disini ingin mengucapkan SELAMAT HARI JADI!! Smuga pnjg umur dan murah rezeki. Insyallah. Enjoy!

Bie wishes me at the door as he came back from school. " Happy Birthday kak! Present pada Bina. Hehehehe..."

Haryati via sms
Happy bdae lynn! I love u! Enjoy ur 21st aye. I shall hug u wen i meet u in sch hor. Muacks

Abg via home
Abg gave me 2 red packet. 1 from him while the other one from his girlfriend, May. Sadly, May was unable to come to my house as she's working on this day. She also gave me a bottle of perfume from Tommy girl.

Miza via tagboard
happy b'dy babeeeeeeeeee! :) may all ur wish come tru insyallah.

Zarifah via sms
Happy Bday amalina! May all ur wishes come true! -xoxo,eefar.

Amirah sent to my sis phone on 12 midnight. ( i get to know abt this after noon)
Aku dgn slumbernye ingin mengucapkan 'SELAMAT HARI JADI' smuga pnjg umur dan murah rezeki. Insyallah. Enjoy.

Abah meet me at kopitiam near to my block.
He gave me a red packet & wishes me Selamat hari jadi.
I'm so glad that he remember my birthday. So no tears.. heee....

Riziq Naseem, my nephew via phone
Happy Birthday Mak Ngah
Then he sang me a birthday song.

Cousin Ain via sms
Happy 21st birthday kuzin. Da besar sei. haha.. :)

Later in the afternoon..
Adk came back from school. I was busy cooking in the kitchen. She surprise me with presents.. Ok.. I took it and bring it into my room. Later, I found that there's a card and 2 presents. I read the card. Guess what! Tears flows out from my eyes to my cheek.. Exactly after i read the birthday cards which was handmade, adk & bie bring a slice of cake with candle.. There it goes again.. My tears flows out non stop. Aiyah.. Its not that i'm sad... It was the moment of joy.. hhee..Adk bought me a blouse & bie bought me a badge cum magnet that stated 21 today.. hehe... Thank you adk & bie..

All the pic shall be posted a.s.a.p..

Alright thats all for today..
Hereby, i would like to thank everyone that had make an effort to remember my birthday n wishes me..
Thank you very much..


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