[ [ * . Lin's Deli Creations . * ] ]

Friday, March 28, 2008

many2 story to tell..

First of of all..
I get to go to higher nitec in accounting..
coming 14 april start of sch..

and the list will go on n on......

its been a long time since i last update this blog..
been wondering wat i have been doing...
i did log into this blogger.. wanting to update..
but when i open the posting option..
out of sudden my mind blackout..
oh gosh!!

n i have been forgetting something this pass few weeks...
first.. i forget where i put my access card..
at first i remember bringing it back home..
i look into my purse.. i cant find it..
i kept looking almost all the possible places..
even the polo shirt i wore..
then the next day i when to work..
its in my locker.. haha... so absent minded i am..

i'm suppose to return the 3 library book tat dueing soon..
i went with my brother to return all the books..
then suddenly when i wanted to return...
i realise i had only 2 in hands..
but i remember i had 3..
suddenly 2..
huh? wat happen?
so then i thought i left it at home..
upon reaching home.. i look for it at my bed.. since i kept it there..
but i couldnt find it.. i even went out back to the route i go to the library to look for it..
but then its raining cats n dogs.. i manage to walk halfway..
den to my surprise..
yesterday i when to library to check how much is my fine..
upon i check my card.. there were none..
in my heart ' did i return the book?!!'
aiyo it was hell.. that was bad...

ok enuf about all that stuff...

this coming monday will be fadilah's birthday..
n i have yet get her present..
n speaking of presents...
mastura's birthday present is still with me..
n i have yet to pass to her..
thats so bad of me to delay presents...

was the day that my frens plan..
while talking on the phone.. norma was 'mengeneting' haha..
and the sound of fadilah's fan was scary.. sound like it gonna break down..
mastura''s voice getting softer2 n softer...
n me.. i think i'm hmm.. i dunnoe...
judge me gals...

the coming 10 april..
my frens and i will be having outing..
to where? stay tune to find out...

hmm... should i write more?
hmm... nah i dun think so..
next time.. will update..
meybe after 10 april?


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