[ [ * . Lin's Deli Creations . * ] ]

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

abeh camne?

abeh camne...
that was the first word came up on my mind..

read on...

today as usual..
went to sch..
today only have BEO class..
this teacher ah..
always want to laugh everytime i say something when i smile..
when i act serious, for sure i bet you she won't smile..
just then i accidentally said something wrong..
i said' a floorplan is a scale diagram of an arrangement of rooms of one storey building'
n this teacher laugh at me.. so bad...
suppose to say.. ' a floorplan is a scale diagram of an arrangement of rooms at one storey of a building' and she keep laughing..
its ok la..
i dun mind..
at least i bring the atmosphere up.. rather than sit there...
listen n listen n listen...

break record..
he keep on saying.. ' abeh camne?'
like manja gitu... hahaha..
i noe you read this..
the so funny part was...
i sms him ar... (i was disturbing him la)
me: later at night sleep dun accidentally dream of me okay.. since we have talked for 5 hours... hahaha...
him: haha.. wat only you.. you make funny jokes lah..
me: haha.. how i know right... how i know that u syok at me or wat la... hahahaha.... melecet...
him: haha.. sial la you.. i want to study also diff... always laughing...

for you all read this..
dun think of anything..
i n him just fren
we r close..
as close as finger n nails...
i swear...
dun believe me..
take a knife n cut my heart...
but too bad..
u can only find blood.. hahaharse...

seriously, i never talk to a guy especially a fren for as long as 5 hrs..
thats y i said.. break record..
even with my ex-bf i never talk tat long.. hahaha...

for those who knew who is he..
you know i know they dunnoe.. then act dunnoe la..

last but not least..
i want to tell all of you out there that i love myself..
eventhough i'm fat fugly gal... i promise myself to be better in future..
for the reason i love myself.. especially because of my frens around me..
although i'm fat fugly gal.. they still want to be fren with me..
to him.. thx ya.. coz u dun mind me being fat fugly to be ur best fren..

laughter is the best medicine..

abeh camne?


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