[ [ * . Lin's Deli Creations . * ] ]

Monday, February 02, 2009

Out & Stay

01 February 2009

Went to visit Rizqi Nehan, my 2ND nephew.
He broke his hand & in cast.
But he is so active.
If people didn't notice his hand..
People would see him as an active boy..
Ha ha

Over at their place
We ate seafood noodles
It taste so nice & delicious..

Later, my sis & I went to Causeway Point to buy some stuff..
She bought burger lunch box at Minitoons..
Went around to look for polo-t for myself
None of it that i like
So, i forget about it.
Proceeded to cold storage to bought some biscuits
To McDonald to buy ice cream.

The queue at bus interchange waiting for bus was quiet long.
We were heading to my auntie's house.
Mom , step dad & bie had gone there earlier..

I thought that my auntie was alone.
As my mom told me that she was alone at home.
I guess her children just came back home.

Over there i use the exercise machine.
4 pounds was so heavy for my hands & legs to lift up.
But still it was quiet okay

To overcome the boredness i had
Actually, it was my cousin.
he he
Both of us went to Vista Point.
We walk there as we talk along the way
She wanted to trim her hair
But in the end her hair was cut a lil short as she had splits-end
She was like 'What! What! OMG!'
There i stood couldn't help laughing
You know why
In the beginning the hairstylist asked her whether she wanted to cut a lil bit or just cut off all the 'non-okay' hair..
She replied okay cut off all..
Har.. What
But still i manage to calm her down.
Calm her down sey..

We walk around to find the hair cream that i told her about.
Couldn't find it
& the day go on & on & on...
Too many to type it out..
Ha ha

Didn't go to sch.
he he
Just kidding

Simply to put.
No lesson in the morning
Lesson in the noon
To conclude
The lesson is DAMN BORING!
Decided every each time to skip
Most of the time
I guess
Ha ha

Well sitting at home not only i stared into space
Oh Pelease!!!!
I have my chores to be done to
OK nothing more to..

P.s: Surveys need to be done soon.. & draw up the pie Chart..


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