[ [ * . Lin's Deli Creations . * ] ]

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

lots lots of pics..

on 15 june 2007
baby was born..
her name is
Nur Ariqah..
Nice name kan kan kan..
ok all these are
taken on the 15th of june..
oh the way back home at tampines..

all above were the scene
while waiting for the train
n inside the train..

this is my lil cuzin,hadi..
my sis,Bina n lil cuzin, hirah..
me n lil cuzin,imran..
me n hadi
me n hirah

dun they look the same?
my lil cuzin,Anisa whom is
sis of baby ariqah
tgh shiok main game..
ni hadi tkde kerje amik pics org..
tgh main snake game tu aku..
tu imran main game tembak2..
cey cey cey...
taken by BIna..
taken by me...
these pics were us on the way
to KKH...
my lil cuzin, Hada..
my lil cuzin, Ika n Hada
Both of them are sisters..

waiting for my uncle to top up petrol.

Going up!!!!!!!
take one!
take two!
take three!
take four!!

ok peeps.. that would be all..
btw ariqah's birth
is the same as my fren..
his name is Salihin..


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